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Why Don’t My Teeth Fit Together Like They Used To?

Posted on February 13th, 2019

One day, you’re eating, speaking, resting, and just going about life as usual and your smile feels like it usually does, so it’s not something you really think about. The next, however, you may suddenly think to yourself, “Well, that’s weird! My teeth don’t feel like they fit together like they usually do.” At first, you may shrug this off. However, you will likely notice that instead of getting better, the situation gets worse. What might cause such a shift in your bite, you wonder? Our Saxonburg, PA team can help you get to the bottom of it (and can help you with dental care when you come in).

It Could Be Tooth Loss

Let’s talk about exactly what can happen when you lose one tooth or multiple teeth, though you may not realize it just yet. First, there is an opening left where your tooth used to stand. That opening ends up essentially attracting your still-standing natural teeth toward it. Think of it as your teeth trying to fill all of the space up in your smile. The result? You can go from a smile you’ve known for many years to misaligned one that looks and feels quite different. Prevent this issue by seeking prosthetic dental care with us.

Serious Gum Disease Can Cause It

Did you know that when you deal with serious gum disease, the issue doesn’t just affect the gum tissue that you can see but it begins to impact all of your supportive oral tissues? When the issue grows, you can end up with loose teeth and a bite that just doesn’t feel right. We suggest that before this is even allowed to occur, you treat your gum concerns ASAP with our periodontal treatment. Have questions about your gums, whether gingivitis is just beginning or you think you have an advanced concern? Call us!

Your Dental Work Is Damaged

Patients often assume their dental work is going to last forever. However, like natural teeth, your work can become damaged, old, require a replacement, etc. Think about the work you have had completed in your smile. Whether you received restorative dental care in the form of crowns, you’ve received fillings or veneers, you have a dental bridge, or anything else, if there’s any type of significant wear and tear or other problem, it can throw off your bite. Visit us just as soon as you can, so we may examine your smile and offer help.

Improve And Protect Your Bite

When you are dealing with bite issues, which means your top and bottom teeth are no longer fitting together the way that they should, then it’s time to set up a visit to come in to see us for dental care. Receive comprehensive, comfortable personalized dental care in Saxonburg, PA by contacting Saxonburg Dental Care today at (724) 352-4440.

Written by Dr. Sepich

Saxonburg Dental Care

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