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Spacing: How To Fix It, Why You Should, How To Begin

Posted on January 17th, 2019

So, you have a space in your smile. Or, you have lots of spaces in your smile. For some, this is no big issue. For others, it becomes an extraordinarily frustrating life detail that isn’t causing tons of stress but that many patients would like to address. Unfortunately, until you are familiar with the cosmetic care that our Saxonburg, PA practice offers, it’s often easy to overlook the fact that treating small openings in your grin is simpler than you might have imagined! Unless you are in need of orthodontic care for true misalignment, we encourage you to get to know more about the ins and outs of saying goodbye to those spaces!

Choose Cosmetic Dental Care

When you are thinking that it’s time to do something about the space in your smile that you’re tired of (or the multiple spaces), we remind you that we offer cosmetic care. Not sure how this works? It’s simple. We can make it look as though the teeth on either side of the little space touch each other. We may suggest the use of dental bonding, which allows us to make this happen with the use of a material that we call composite. Or, particularly for all over spacing, we might suggest porcelain veneers, which are beautiful translucent shells placed over the front of your teeth. Both of these cosmetic care treatments are fully customized to get rid of the gap or gaps in your smile and to blend seamlessly with your grin.

The Negatives Of Smile Spaces

Remember that it’s worth treating smile spacing. Why do we say this, you wonder? Well, first and foremost, if you are unhappy with the way your smile looks, then it is worth seeing us for cosmetic care. You have access to the treatments that will allow you to truly love the way your smile looks, so improving your confidence is worth it. As for the health and function of your smile, spaces can leave you feeling frustrated because food become stuck. It can make dental hygiene more difficult because you brush and floss but the spaces immediately become dirty again.

Getting Started

Ready for cosmetic care, so spaces are a thing of the past? Call us to schedule a dental checkup! Super easy.

See Us For Cosmetic Care

When you deal with spacing in your smile, whether it’s just one gap or many, we remind you that coming in to find out how cosmetic dental care can work on your behalf is your best solution for a smile you love. Receive comprehensive, comfortable personalized dental care in Saxonburg, PA by contacting Saxonburg Dental Care today at (724) 352-4440.

Written by Dr. Sepich

Saxonburg Dental Care

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