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559 West Main Street Saxonburg, PA 16056

Restorative Dentistry

Returning your teeth to good health

Restorative dentistry is the art of repairing damage caused by infection, trauma or wear and tear.

We look forward to collaborating with you on your oral health.

It’s easy to schedule your appointment, give us a call or simply


Tooth colored fillings

“I just like to smile, smiling’s my favorite!” –Buddy the Elf

Just like patching a leaky roof, a dental filling repairs a damaged area of the tooth to prevent major issues down the road.

If we find you have a cavity, we can remove the decayed area of the tooth and build up a filling that’s an exact match to your existing tooth. This will halt the decay process and your tooth will look whole and natural.

Why patients prefer tooth-colored fillings

  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Safer than amalgam
  • Strengthens tooth
  • Color-matched
  • Boosts confidence

Dental crowns

When a tooth is too damaged for a filling, a cap or crown is fitted over the remaining tooth to protect it. Dental crowns are made of porcelain and provide the strength and protection your tooth needs to work best for you. Typically crowns take two visits. The first visit we’ll prep your tooth (remove decay) and take an impression so your permanent crown will seal perfectly. We’ll then attach a temporary crown to keep your tooth safe between visits.


Nitrous oxide and IV sedation options are available.

Snooze through your dental appointment with our sedation options.

Dental Bridges

Building bridges from insecurity to confidence.

It is really hard to live with missing teeth. Society can be unkind and people make judgments that aren’t true. Don’t believe a word of it! You’re invaluable and we can help make your smile show it. A dental bridge is a smile-changing prosthesis. We simply make a false tooth and bind it to the neighboring teeth to keep it secure. The hole disappears and a confident smile takes its place.

Dental Bridges Illustration

Dentures & Partials

What’s your smile worth?

How long have you gone without smiling? Do you remember the last time you didn’t try to hide your smile? For a lot of people suffering from tooth loss, smiling is dream they don’t think they can realize.

We want you to know you can smile again. People that opt for dentures or partials are surprised at how much confidence it brings them. You can afford a perfect smile—you just need to put a little faith in us. We will build you a smile so show-stopping, you’ll be checking yourself out every chance you get.

Benefits of dentures & partials

  • An affordable option to reclaim your smile.
  • Your teeth are made to fit your personality
  • Comfortable and long-lasting

Dental Implants

Keep your smile going strong

If you’re missing a tooth or teeth, dental implants are a long lasting, natural-looking solution to achieve your perfect smile. With dental implants you can enjoy eating your favorite foods without worrying about your partial or denture slipping.

The implant itself looks like a small metal screw that is surgically fixed into the jawbone where the tooth root used to be. The procedure does require enough healthy bone to support the implant. Once inserted the titanium screw encourages regeneration of your natural bone which helps the implant meld within the jaw. Due to the fusing of bone and implant, it is a more permanent solution for missing teeth.

When you’re healed from the initial implant procedure you will be ready to attach the crown (tooth). Once the crown has been placed you can look in the mirror and admire your smile. Dental implants are a trusted procedure for people with healthy gums and bone.

Saxonburg Dental Care

Monday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
Tuesday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
Wednesday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
Thursday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
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(724) 352-4440
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