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Things You Worry About In Regard To Sealants That Are A-OK

Posted on January 10th, 2019

You might not necessarily feel like dental sealants aren’t going to be an option for your child. However, you may not be racing to our Saxonburg, PA practice to have them placed either. We wonder: What’s holding you back from choosing this extremely advantageous preventive treatment for your child’s smile care? If there are some little worries that circulate in your mind and that have as yet gone unanswered, we urge you to let us know! When you’re fully educated on the topic, it’s much easier to feel comfortable giving us the green light to plan on sealants for your kiddo.

You Worry They’re Not Safe

You might wonder if dental sealants are safe. You hear that they’re sort of like a plastic coating that covers the part of your child’s teeth that are used for eating and you wonder: Are they toxic? Are they going to cause problems? Is this really a good idea or do the cons maybe outweigh the pros? Good news: We place sealants with the use of a biocompatible material, which means it is completely safe and will cause no harm to your child’s tissues.

You Worry Your Kids Will Be Teased

We remind parents that your kids cannot be teased for dental sealants. Why is that? Well, they’re pretty much invisible. When we see your child, we can see the sealants, of course, and keep an eye on them. However, your kids won’t notice them and it’s impossible for other kids to notice them. They’ll do their job without making even a splash on your child’s radar! Have additional questions? Just ask us!

You Worry They Don’t Really Do Much

You might wonder if dental sealants are really doing anything special or if they’re just a novelty. The truth is that they are so very powerful in helping to protect your child’s teeth against decay, which means your child can enjoy brushing and flossing that yields a healthy smile, rather than one requiring fillings. Ask us more regarding how they function!

Say Goodbye To Your Worries About Sealants

If you would love to do everything in your power to protect your child’s smile but you still need additional information before you feel good about dental implants, then see us for a children’s dental visit soon! Receive comprehensive, comfortable personalized dental care in Saxonburg, PA by contacting Saxonburg Dental Care today at (724) 352-4440.

Written by Dr. Sepich

Saxonburg Dental Care

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