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When You Need Help Remembering Visits

Posted on March 7th, 2019

Maybe you have trouble remembering to schedule visits for yourself to see our team for dental cleanings and checkups. Perhaps you can follow through on scheduling the visit but when the day of your appointment arrives, it tends to skip your mind completely! As you might imagine, this is an issue our Saxonburg, PA team has witnessed for years, so we happen to have some helpful thoughts that may make your life so much easier. All it takes is one approach to setting reminders for yourself that works!

Use Sticky Notes

It seems very simple and almost too easy but the fact is that when you need reminders to schedule dental cleanings and checkups, sometimes you need something that’s right in your face. Rely on these handy notes when you realize it’s about time to give us a call. A brightly hued square of paper that says something like, “Call the dentist!” and is stuck to your coffee pot, your bathroom mirror, etc., will get the job done.

Make Notes In Your Planner

We know that some of you out there prefer to rely on a paper planner! If this is the case, then don’t forget to use it for your visits with us. All it takes is writing down reminders to call us, writing down the date and time of your visit, and then checking in with your planner on a daily basis to keep up with the particulars!

Use Your Cell Phone Alarm!

Can’t seem to remember that you are supposed to come in for your dental cleaning and checkup on the day of? Set your cell phone alarm (and call it “Dental Visit”), so you’re jolted back into reality when it goes off!

Ask Someone To Remind You

If you have a best friend, partner, parent, etc. who is much better at remembering things than you are, then you may simply want to ask for a reminder. Something as simple as, “Hey, honey, will you please remind me tomorrow that I have a dental appointment?” can work wonders!

Set Visits The Same Time Each Year

While you may not be able to necessarily schedule your dental visit at the exact same time and on the same day each year (though, if you plan well in advance, this might be an option), when you get into a groove, it’s easier to remember the details. Maybe you set visits in June and December. The result? You’ll see that it’s June or you’ll realize Christmas is approaching, etc., and it will jog your memory.

Remember To Set Up Visits

Set reminders for everything from remembering to follow through on scheduling the dental visits you need to actually coming in on the day of your visit. That way, you’re always caught up on your preventive care. Receive comprehensive, comfortable personalized dental care in Saxonburg, PA by contacting Saxonburg Dental Care today at (724) 352-4440.

Written by Dr. Sepich

Saxonburg Dental Care

Monday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
Tuesday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
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Thursday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
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