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Gum Disease: 3 Things You Simply Must Know

Posted on August 30th, 2018

There are some things all patients should know about gum disease. When you’re fully informed regarding how to avoid it, what to do if it occurs, and how to have any clue it’s affecting you in the first place, you’ll have no problem protecting your gum health. With three simple details from our Saxonburg, PA practice, you can get on track and very easily stay on track!

#1: How To Prevent It

When the goal is to prevent gum disease, there are multiple things that you should remember. First, you need to brush your teeth. Second, you need to floss. You need to keep up with these aspects of home dental care as we have lined out for you, so your smile is free of plaque and tartar buildup and your gums can remain healthy. Next, you’ll need your cleanings and checkups with us, too! Your cleaning removes the leftover stuff you didn’t realize you missed (plaque and tartar) that will inevitably end up causing inflammation if you skip visits. Your checkups allow us to diagnose and treat problems right away to help you avoid a serious case of gum inflammation.

#2: How To Treat It

If you are diagnosed with gum disease, you won’t be able to fix things at home. You’ll need to take time to come into our practice for something called scaling and root planing (also referred to as a deep cleaning). In short, we’ll remove the plaque and tartar buildup, smooth the tissue of your teeth beneath your gumline to limit bacterial adhesion, and then your gums will be able to heal.

#3: How To Know You Have It

There are two ways to realize that you have gum disease. First, as mentioned, by coming in for your twice-annual checkups with our team, you will discover the presence of gingivitis because we will see it during your exam. It’s very important to remember that we might see it, though you never noticed it at all. Symptoms are not always there for you to recognize or they are simply not obvious. While you might be the one to find gum problems at home, don’t assume that just because you are symptom free, you don’t need your checkup. You always need it. With that said, consider the following common symptoms:

  • Red or purple gums
  • Puffy, inflamed gums
  • Tender, sore gums
  • A foul taste in your mouth
  • Gums that bleed

Treat Your Gum Disease With Our Team

When gingivitis strikes, it’s time to come in to see our practice for a deep cleaning. Receive comprehensive, comfortable personalized dental care in Saxonburg, PA by contacting Saxonburg Dental Care today at (724) 352-4440.

Written by Dr. Sepich

Saxonburg Dental Care

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