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Fluoride: 3 Common Questions, 3 Important Answers

Posted on October 22nd, 2018

Do you know very much about fluoride and your oral health? If you just shrugged your shoulders or crossed your arms, leaned back, and came up with little more than, “It’s important for my smile?” then take a second and see if you can come up with any questions. Chances are good there’s some room left for new details and that you even have some thoughts or concerns you’ve just never brought up before! Remember: Protecting your smile at home isn’t just about practicing dental hygiene but making sure you’re doing it correctly! Our Saxonburg, PA team reminds you that fluoride must be involved. Learn more with a few very common questions (and the answers you need).

Questions and Answers

Question 1: Why is fluoride so important for my oral health?

Answer 1: We encourage you to incorporate fluoride during dental hygiene by always using a fluoridated toothpaste because it keeps teeth strong. By strengthening your dental tissue, you become less likely to fall victim to tooth decay, as well as to problems like cracked teeth.

Question 2: Isn’t fluoride dangerous? I know I’m supposed to use it during dental hygiene but I also hear that it’s poisonous or not safe for kids or something along those lines. What should I think when I hear stuff like this?

Answer 2: Our team reminds you that fluoride is absolutely safe for you when you use it to care for your smile. This is true for your kids, too. This mineral becomes unsafe when it is consumed in very large amounts. In short: A pea-size dab of toothpaste that you accidentally swallow won’t cause any harm. However, if you were to eat more, you would need to visit your doctor or the ER. Of course, this is true for many personal care items, so simply do not eat it.

Question 3: I thought that fluoride could stain my smile, though. I know that discoloration doesn’t impact my oral health in any way but I’d prefer that my dental hygiene keep my smile white and bright. Should I worry about this?

Answer 3: It can only cause stains in very young, developing smiles and in doses that are much too large. Children who receive checkups consistently can avoid this problem. As for adults, it will not affect you!

Protect Your Smile When You Ask Important Questions

Remember that even the seemingly smallest of questions is important, so don’t forget to bring up your thoughts when we see you for cleanings, checkups, and more. Receive comprehensive, comfortable personalized dental care in Saxonburg, PA by contacting Saxonburg Dental Care today at (724) 352-4440.

Written by Dr. Sepich

Saxonburg Dental Care

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