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Soda Drinking And How It Harms Your Teeth

Posted on February 11th, 2019

Plain and simple, no ifs-ands-or-buts about it … drinking soda is harmful for your oral health. If you are thinking to yourself, “Yes, I know this! That’s why I drink diet soda!” then we are sorry to inform you that actually, you shouldn’t drink any soda at all, if your goal is to protect your smile! Can you consume these bubbly drinks and then quickly rinse your smile with water? Of course. However, when our Saxonburg, PA team is getting down to the details, we would like for you to feel knowledgeable and informed regarding the “why” behind avoiding sodas.

It’s Always Acidic, No Matter What!

Let’s begin by busting the myth that only some sodas are bad for your oral health. You may think that diet, sugar-free soda is going to be better for your smile than sugar-loaded soda but this is not the case. You may assume drinking soda with xylitol is going to be beneficial because this natural sweetener may offer some smile health benefits, however, even sodas with natural ingredients are dangerous for your teeth. Why is that, you ask? Well, it’s because all sodas are acidic. Remember that acids are generally bad for your teeth and other tissues, so if you’re reaching for a beverage, you may want to skip the soda-pop!

Acids Erode Dental Tissue

We encourage you to take a moment to better understand the negative way that acids impact your teeth. Here we go! When you have an increase in acidity in your mouth, it begins softening your enamel. The enamel is the outermost layer of your dental tissue on each tooth. It protects your teeth like little shields! Unfortunately, the softening makes way for weaker teeth, for tooth decay, and can even wear the tissue away. You want to minimize the amount of soda you consume because it’s acidic. Or, you want to be very thoughtful about rinsing with water immediately after you consume soda!

It Causes Or Encourages Staining!

So, now you understand that soda can harm your oral health by leading to acid erosion. You don’t want weak teeth, decayed teeth, etc., so you may be thinking that drinking fewer sodas is a good idea. Remember, too, that once your enamel becomes damaged, it is more likely to stain. In addition, as it thins, more yellow-hued dentin shows through. So, be careful with your soda intake!

Save Your Smile Health

Make sure you’re addressing any existing problems with your smile health and that you’re doing all that you can do to prevent the development of concerns by seeking dental care through our practice! Receive comprehensive, comfortable personalized dental care in Saxonburg, PA by contacting Saxonburg Dental Care today at (724) 352-4440.

Written by Dr. Sepich

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