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Teeth-Whitening Questions We Often Hear

Posted on December 27th, 2018


Are you in the “new year-new you” frame of mind? Ready to follow up on all those things you meant to look into before the year ended? We can help you start 2019 with knowledge at your fingertips, and the answers to some of the teeth-whitening questions we hear most often in Saxonburg, PA. Brightening teeth and removing stains through a teeth-whitening process is the most common cosmetic procedure performed in dental offices. Are you interested in knowing more about how it could improve your smile?

How Does Teeth-Whitening Work?

In many cases, teeth are yellow and discolored due to repeated exposure to staining substances such as tea, wine,  tobacco products and dark-colored foods. Over time, color molecules in these substances bond to tooth enamel and cause the discoloration. Teeth-whitening works when a bleaching agent (usually in gel form) is applied to tooth surfaces, to remove the color molecules. Teeth can also become stained from poor dental hygiene habits and skipping professional cleaning appointments on a regular basis.

Can Children Receive Teeth Whitening Treatment?

It is unlikely children would need teeth-whitening, as stains usually take years to accumulate. If a child has a discolored permanent tooth, due to trauma or other issues, whitening the surface will not help. However, there are procedures such as bonding that can cover intrinsic discoloration. In rare cases, issues with medication and metabolic imbalances can affect children’s tooth color. Talk to your caring family dentists if your child’s tooth color concerns you.

Can You Be Too Old for Teeth Whitening?

Teeth of almost any age can be lightened by a whitening process. However, the enamel on teeth does thin with age, allowing the  yellower dentin layer to begin to show through. Good oral hygiene and regular preventive checkups and care can help enamel remain strong. Eating a healthful diet is also important. If teeth-whitening does not achieve the desired result in an older patient, there are other options, such as porcelain veneers, that can cover discolored teeth that show at the front of a smile.

We Have Expert Answers for Teeth-Whitening Questions

Don’t let the color of your teeth keep you from smiling. Receive comprehensive, comfortable personalized dental care in Saxonburg, PA by contacting Saxonburg Dental Care today at (724) 352-4440.

Written by Dr. Sepich

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