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Dental Health

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Welcome to your resource for all things dental health-related! We try to keep things interesting and fun – our blog is a great way for us to update our patients about changes around the office or interesting dental news. We may even throw in a video here and there! Feel free to suggest blog topics if you have a question you’d like us to address. Email us at

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Posted July 27, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care

Ice Cravings – A Sign of Something Worse?

We all know someone who asks for extra ice just so they can chew on it. And we’ve probably all heard that chewing ice is not healthy for your teeth. So what’s the truth? Is it best to put a stop to ice chewing? Absolutely, and for more reasons than most people are aware of. […]

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Posted July 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care

When is the Best Time to Get Braces?

The seasons seem to fly by, quickly turning into years. Before you know it, your little one is not so little (they grow up so fast!) and it’s time to consider braces. At Saxonburg Dental Care, we highly recommend early intervention when it comes to orthodontics.  Contrary to the popular belief that you should wait […]

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Posted June 27, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care

The Smoking Gun: Tobacco & Oral Health

They say not everything natural is good for you. Nature has many poisons that humans have experimented with and learned the hard way to avoid. Tobacco is a popular plant that we’ve learned can do a number on your health. Using tobacco is a personal and communal practice that can be hard to avoid, even […]

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Posted May 27, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care

Signs Your Child May Have a Dental Problem

Examining your child’s mouth isn’t easy! Their bone structure is still developing, and they might have difficulty opening wide—if they don’t, you’ll probably need a flashlight and a dental mirror for examination.  Your Saxonburg dentist, Dr. Roger M. Sepich, is equipped with a comfortable dental chair for them to lean back in, an illuminating overhead […]

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Posted May 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care

Why Do We Have Baby Teeth?

Baby teeth, also called deciduous, primary, milk, or lacteal teeth, have many different purposes. Dr. Roger M. Sepich at Saxonburg Dental Care is asked about the purpose of baby teeth often. So what’s the answer? Tiny Teeth for Tiny Mouths Child-sized mouths are not large enough to accommodate a full set of adult teeth, so […]

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Posted April 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health

Are Baby Bottles Bad for Baby Teeth?

Tooth decay in infants and very young children is often called baby bottle tooth decay. This happens when liquids with natural or artificial sugars remain in an infant’s mouth for extended periods of time. Bacteria in the baby’s mouth thrive on these sugars, using them to produce acids that attack the teeth and gums. Today, […]

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Posted March 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health

When a Toothache is Not a Toothache

Most of us have experienced a toothache. At their mildest, toothaches may cause just enough discomfort to get on your nerves and disrupt your concentration, but at their worst, they can be debilitating. Because the pain feels like it’s coming from your tooth, it’s natural to assume that all toothaches are caused by cavities, gum […]

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Posted February 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health

Why Haven’t My Child’s Permanent Teeth Come In?

If your child’s permanent adult teeth haven’t emerged in a timely manner, you may wonder if there is a reason to worry. Saxonburg Dental Care would like to share a few possible reasons permanent adult teeth can be delayed.  Is There Enough Space for the New Teeth to Grow? The most common reason for permanent […]

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Posted January 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health

Is My Child’s Oral Hygiene Routine Sufficient?

A child’s happy, healthy smile is a source of pride and joy for parents—and dentists, too! For this reason, you’ll likely spend a good deal of time helping them develop superb oral hygiene routines to ensure they keep their teeth for life.  When you’re just getting started, you may have a lot of questions. We […]

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Posted December 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health

Chocolate is Good for Oral Health – True or False?

Most of us were taught when we were kids that sweets like chocolate will rot your teeth. While this may remain true for some types of our favorite sweet snack, that doesn’t mean we have to take it off the menu altogether.  In fact, recent studies have found that dark chocolate, containing high percentages of […]

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Saxonburg Dental Care

Monday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
Tuesday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
Wednesday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
Thursday 7:00AM - 4:00PM
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