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Gingivitis: Some Things You Aren’t Getting Quite Right

Posted on October 17th, 2018

When you’re thinking about your smile and you go through the details, do you assume that as long as everything feels okay and looks okay that your oral health checks out? When it comes to gingivitis, our Saxonburg, PA team wants you to realize that your logic does not work here. Just because gums look okay and feel fine doesn’t mean that you might not require some help in the gum health department! In addition, putting off the care you need can become quite serious. So, let’s help you better understand some things you just might not be getting right, so protecting your overall oral health is as easy as it should be!

You Might Have It Right Now

If you’ve been coming in for your dental cleanings and your checkups as we suggest that you do (which means we see you two times a year, just about six months apart), and you’re not skipping your visits and you’re brushing and flossing, then you would probably know whether you have gingivitis. However, if any of those details are not on track, then it’s entirely possible for you to have this early stage of gum disease even though you see absolutely no sign of its presence. As a result, we remind you: This can be dangerous for your smile. In order to ensure you don’t develop it (or you are aware of it if you do), always schedule your visits, always brush and floss, and never assume your smile is in perfect health. Your checkups are what provide you with a safety net, just in case!

Did We Mention It’s Dangerous?

You might not really understand what makes gingivitis dangerous. Sure, you know that it’s better if your gums aren’t inflamed but we can help you treat the problem, so why worry about it, you wonder? The thing that our team recognizes patients frequently overlook is: What begins as this very early stage of gum disease one day can progress quickly into something more serious. Inflammation will worsen and become an infection. That problem can become chronic. It can spread, affecting not only your gum tissue but also your periodontal tissues, your teeth, and it can cause damage to your jaw tissue. You can lose teeth!

When you find gingivitis right as it begins, and you treat it, you save your smile. When you neglect it, your smile can become seriously injured. Don’t forget your home care and your professional preventive care, so you never have this problem!

Treat Gingivitis Immediately With Our Help

Don’t forget that preventing or treating gingivitis is something that you can do so very easily when you are up to date with your preventive visits. Receive comprehensive, comfortable personalized dental care in Saxonburg, PA by contacting Saxonburg Dental Care today at (724) 352-4440.

Written by Dr. Sepich

Saxonburg Dental Care

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